Core and Adjunct Faculty
Gregory Ciottone, MD, FACEP, FIBODM
Founder and Director
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Instructor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
President Emeritus, World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM)
Amalia Voskanyan, RN
Director of International Relations, Department of Emergency Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Core Faculty and Administration
Fadi Issa, MD, JBEM, EMDM
Director of Education
Co-Chair, Counter-Terrorism Medicine Interest Group and Board Member
World Association For Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM)
Christina Woodward, MD
Associate Director of Education
Emergency Physician, Cambridge Health Alliance
Director of Emergency Management
Associate Director of Disaster Nursing
Team Lead, AMR/Baystate Health Critical Care Transport Team
Registered Nurse, NDMS MA-2 DMAT
Ashley Kane, MD
Pediatric Disaster Medicine
Co-Chair, Pediatric Disaster Medicine Interest Group, WADEM
Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Pediatric Hospitalist, Boston Children’s Hospital
Attila J. Hertelendy, PhD
Director of Research
Adjunct Professor, Emergency and Disaster Management, Georgetown University
Assistant Professor, Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business, Florida International University
Robert G. Ciottone, BA
Project Manager
Division of Disaster Medicine
Department of Emergency Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Abdullah Alhadhira, MD, MBA, FRCPC, FAAEM, CHE
Industrial Disaster Medicine and Business Continuity
Director, Office of Emergency Management and Continuity
Manager, Emergency Planning and Preparedness Unit
Johns Hopkins ARAMCO Healthcare, Saudi ARAMCO, Dhahran. KSA, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Todd Benham, PsyD, ABPP
Director of Psychosocial Preparedness and Response
Chief, Department of Behavioral Health, USA MEDDAC
Installation Director of Psychological Health, Fort Drum, NY
Donald. A. Donahue, Jr., DHEd, MBA, MSJ, FACHE, FRSPH, FICDM
Disaster Medicine Education
Professor, Global Health, University of Maryland Baltimore
Board of Directors, WADEM
Board of Governors, American Academy of Disaster Medicine
Co-Chair, Medical and Health Programming Board. World Humanitarian Forum
Jeffrey Franc, MD, MS, MSc, FCFP, D Sport Med
Disaster Medicine Research
Editor-in-Chief, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta
Visiting Professor in Disaster Medicine, Università del Piemonte Orientale
Eric Goralnick, MD, MPH
Education, Mass Gathering Medicine
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Medical Director, Emergency Preparedness, Brigham and Women's Hospital
Alex Hart, MD
Disaster Medicine Research
Co-Chair Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Disaster Medicine Section
Instructor in Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Emergency Physician, Hartford Hospital
Ritu Sarin, MD, EMDM, FACEP
Disaster Medicine Education
Co-Chair (former) Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Disaster Medicine Section
Cara Taubman, MD, MPH
Disaster Medicine Education
Clinical Director of Emergency Management, Harlem Hospital
New York City
Dezheen Zebari, DO
Disaster Medicine Education
Chief Medical Officer
AMI Expeditionary Healthcare
Chemical/Biological/Radiological/Nuclear (CBRN)
Dr. Gregory Ciottone, MD, FIBODM, FACEP, FFSEM
Founder and Director
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Instructor, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
President Emeritus, World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM)
David DiGregorio, PA, MSEM, MSPAS
Disaster Operations, HAZMAT Response
Director (ret), Hazardous Materials Emergency Response and Special Operations
Massachusetts Department of Fire Services
Shane Kappler, MD, MS, FACEP, FAAEM
CBRN Education
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care
Medical Director, Emergency Management
Medical Director, Bio-Containment Unit, Georgetown University, MedStar-Washington Hospital Center
Counter-Terrorism Medicine
Dr. Duane Caneva, MD, MS
Counter-Terrorism Medicine
Chief Medical Officer, US Department of Homeland Security (2018-2021)
Director of Medical Preparedness (fmr), White House National Security Council
Prof. Roberto Mugavero
Counter-Terrorism Medicine
President, Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence (OSDIFE)
Director of the Center for Security Training and Education, University of San Marino, Italy
Dr. Derrick Tin, MD
Counter-Terrorism Medicine
Co-Chair, Counter-Terrorism Medicine Special Interest Group and Board Member
World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine
Associate Professor, Department of Critical Care University of Melbourne
Complex Humanitarian Disaster Operations
Dr. Lina Echevveri, MD, EMDM
Complex Humanitarian Disaster Operations
Geneva, Switzerland
Kobi Peleg, MD, PhD
Complex Humanitarian Disaster Operations
WHO Consultant
Head of Emergency Management Ramat Gan Academic College
Luca Ragazzoni, MD, PhD
Complex Humanitarian Disaster Operations
Director, European Master in Disaster Medicine
Scientific Coordinator, CRIMEDIM
Climate Change and Human Health
Dr. Satchit Balsari, MD, MPH
Climate Change and Human Health
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
Director, Climate and Human Health fellowship at Harvard
Faculty, the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability at Harvard University
Caleb Dresser, MD, MPH
Climate Change and Human Health
Director of Healthcare Solutions at Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment
Assistant Director, Climate and Human Health fellowship at Harvard
Pediatric Disaster Medicine
Deborah Weiner, MD, PhD
Director, Pediatric Disaster Medicine
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
Pediatric Emergency Medicine attending, Boston Children's Hospital
Patricia Frost RN, PHN, MS, PNP
Pediatric Disaster Medicine
Vice Chair National Pediatric Disaster Coalition
Adjunct Faculty, TEEX Texas A & M Engineering Extension Service
Consultant, Region V for Kids Education and Pediatric Pandemic Network
Zane Grodman, MD
Pediatric Disaster Medicine
Lea Sarna Cahan, MD
Pediatric Disaster Medicine
Co-Chair, Pediatric Disaster Medicine Interest Group, WADEM
Pediatric Emergency Physician, Hadassa Medical Center, Israel
Mass Gathering Medicine
Mass Gathering Medicine
Associate Clinical Professor UCD School of Medicine
Consultant Emergency Physician, Connolly Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
Disaster Medicine and Public Health Leadership
Saleh Fares MD, PhD
Disaster Medicine Regulation
Director, Center for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Department of Health-Abu Dhabi
Founder and Director (former), Emirates Society of Emergency Medicine (ESEM)
Jeffrey Freeman, PhD, MPH
Disaster Preparedness Leadership
Director and Special Assistant to the President
United States National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health
Flavio Salio, PhD
Disaster Medicine Policy
Network Lead, Emergency Medical Teams
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
EMS Disaster Operations
Mathew Bivens, MD
EMS Disaster Operations
SouthCoast EMS
Instructor of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School, St. Luke's Hospital
Michelangelo Bortolin, MD
International EMS
Adjunct Professor, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele-Milano
Servizio Emergenza Territoriale, Torino, Italy
Vincent Bounes, MD, PhD
International EMS, Chief of EMS-Toulouse (SAMU)
Professor of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, University of Toulouse
Director Center of Disaster Response, France
Colby C. Fiske, EMT-P, I/C
EMS Disaster Operations
Lieutenant, Paramedic, EMS Coordinator West Boylston Fire Department
President, Central Mass. EMS Corporation
Fredrik Granholm, MD
International EMS, Tactical and Operational Medicine
EMS Director, Northern Sweden
Lt (fmr), Swedish Amphibious Corps., Sweden
Selwyn Mahon, MD
Director, EMS Disaster Operations
Emergency Medicine Chairman and EMS Director (former), US Virgin Islands
Brad Newbury, MPA, NRP I/C
Associate Director, EMS Disaster Operations
President and CEO, National Medical Education and Training Center
Michael Rubin, MD, FACEP, FAAEM
EMS Disaster Operations
Emergency Physician, University of Ottawa, Canada
Kevin Ryan, MD
EMS Disaster Operations
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine
Associate Medical Director, Boston EMS
Disaster Operations
Robert Obernier
Director, Disaster Operations
Team Rubicon US
Retired Colonel Michael W. Smith
Disaster Operations
Former Director, National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)
Killiam Argote, MD, FIBODM
Conflict-Zone Disaster Operations,
Humanitarian Disaster Operations
Emergency Department Specialist International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Gabriel Benmoussa, MS, CFO
Disaster Operations, Emergency Management
Fire Chief, Milton Fire Department
City of Milton, Georgia, USA
Srihari Cattamanchi, MBBS, MD, MPH
Director of Humanitarian Disaster Operations
Conflict Zone Disaster Operations
Regional Coordinator, Asia-Pacific International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Bangladesh
Dave Fortier
Disaster Operations, Disaster Recovery
President, One World Strong
Alok Gupta, MD, FACS
Disaster Surgical Operations
Trauma Surgeon and Surgical Intensivist, Beth Israel Deaconess Med Ctr
Program Director, Acute Care Surgery Fellowship
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Wael Al-Husami, MD
Refugee Medicine
Medical Director, International Medical Health and Medical Education, Lahey Hospital
Assistant Professor, Tufts School of Medicine
Grigor Simonyan, MA
Disaster Operations, Humanitarian Crisis Response
MSF country Director Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan (former)
Program Officer, UNICEF, Armenia
Disaster Nursing
Col. John Groves, CNS
Director of Disaster Nursing
U.S. Army (ret)
Chief Nursing Officer, Madigan Army Medical Center, Seattle, WA
Disaster Nursing
Executive Assistant to the Deputy Surgeon General
Commissioned Corps, U.S. Public Health Service
(Lt Rizek is serving in her own capacity)
Civilian-Military Coordination
Major Michael J. Court, MD
Civilian-Military Coordination
Chief Executive Officer, Global Support and Development
Major (ret.) United Kingdom Military
Col. Christian Meko, MD
Civilian-Military Coordination
Defense Health Agency, US Army Medical Command (ret)
Command Surgeon (fmr), Combined Joint Task Force-10/Regional
Command-East (fmr), Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
Major Terri Davis, MD
Civilian-Military Coordination
Major, US Army
Emergency Medicine
Capt. David Polatty, MA
Civilian-Military Coordination
Captain (Retired) US Navy
Senior Fellow, Brown University Watson Institute for International & Public Affairs
Senior Advisor for Innovation & Impact, Global Support and Development
Dignitary Emergency & Protective Medicine
CAPT Sean Conley, DO, FACEP
Dignitary Emergency & Protective Medicine
Physician to the President of the United States (former), White House Medical Unit
Chief of Emergency Medicine, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Robert G. Darling, MD, FACEP, FFSEM
Dignitary Emergency & Protective Medicine
White House Medical Officer (former)
Chief Medical Officer, Patronus Medical Private Health Services
Travis Kaufman, DMSc, APA-C
Dignitary Emergency & Protective Medicine
White House Medical Officer (former)
Assistant Professor, Doctor of Medical Science School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Lynchburg
Mobarak AlMulhim, MD, MBA, FRCPC(EM-CCM)
Dignitary Emergency & Protective Medicine
Personal Physician to the King (former)
The Royal Clinic, Saudi Arabia
Amado Alejandro Baez, MD, PhD, MPH
Dignitary Emergency & Protective Medicine
Ambassador and Director of Health Diplomacy, Dominican Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs